Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What are you seeing?

There is a story about how Home Depot had a bad quarter due to the softening housing market, their words "...weakening in the housing market and broader economy...". There has been much talk about the bubble having burst in the housing market.

How is it affecting you? What are you seeing? Be sure to tell us where you are in the country.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Whom do you sell to?

There was a survey recently in the Wall Street Journal finding that women are involved in 61% of major home improvement projects.

It's certainly not a surprise, but I'm wondering if it's true in the fencing industry too. Who are the decision makers when you're selling a fence?

Do you sell the fence differently depending on who will make the decision?

Let us know what's going on.

Just click on the comment link below

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hot Metal

There is a story today on the increasing prices for scrap metal. In the fence industry that has all sort of ramifications.
The article today was concerned about people stealing metal and selling it for scrap.

The question is what's happening with you? Have you had any thefts of material? Are you changing your own security practices?

Let us know.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What's Hot!

" (Vinyl) ...It's nine out of 10 fences that we install. It's red hot..."

Vinyl is a hot seller in Montana, how about where you are? What else is hot?

Click on the comment icon below and let us know what's hot where you are. (Let us know where you are)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

White Vinyl Only Please

There is a story about a Utah town that has an ordinance that only white vinyl fences can be installed. We obviously know there are many ordinances pertaining to height, but dictating the color and material?

Have you run into any "color" ordinances? Or even some strange aesthetics only ordinances?

Just click on the comment section below, let us know.

- Gene

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

How do spec a walrus fence?

There is a story today about a "suicide" fence for walruses. It occured to us that probably is a relatively infrequent request.

I can imagine the call. "You want to keep what from doing what?" Is there a way to make a fence secure from tusks?

Anyway, we're asking that you share some of your strange requests.

Just hit the comment link below.


- Gene

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Over the Top Fence Projects

There is a story in today's FenceWeek about a $150,000 deck. It got us thinking. What about a fence?

What is the most outragous fence project you have done? (Obviously large commercial jobs don't count). we're talking about the fences of the rich and famous.

Let us know, send pictures if you have them

- Gene

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Border Fence

The border fence between the USA and Mexico has been covered quite a bit in this newsletter recently.
There is a story today about how the big defence contractors will reap millions of dollars from this.

Keeping partison politics out of this, it, and not taking sides on whether or not it is a good idea, here are some "Questions of the Week":
  1. Do you think you, the fencing industry, will benefit from the construction of such a fence?
  2. Is there likely to be work for the small fence contractor?
Let us know what you think.

- Gene

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Selling to DIYs

There is a story today about someone being fined for not having the proper fence around his inflatable pool. In the past we talked about the potential public relations opportunity with these kind of pools. A chance to talk about the importance of a good fence around all pools etc.

But it got us thinking. Obviously no one will spend thousands of dollars to protect their $200 pool. But they might spend $100.

So the question is, do you sell to do-it- yourselfers? Is it an important part of your business? Do you give advice?

Let us know?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Government Licensing

There are a couple of stories today about governments getting involved… one on a push that would require all pools to have fences and other safety devices. Obviously this would be a big boon to fence contractors. Another story is about a fence contractor in Massachusetts whose customers are compiling a series of complaints against him. Apparently fencing contractors in Massachusetts do not have to be licensed. The story reads:

... isn't the only problem here. Our investigation has found that fence contractors do not have to be licensed in Massachusetts. "It's a grey area, I would say," said Rob Anderson, of the Massachusetts Board of Building Regulations and Standards.….”

Stories like this hurt all contractors; it makes consumers cautious and look for reassurance. Obviously, getting licenced is a pain, but there are benefits in the eye of the consumer. So here is the question of the week.

Does your state require fencing contractors to get licenced? Would you rather there was no requirement for a license? Don’t forget to say which state your in.

Just click on the comments section below and let us know what your thinking.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Spite Fences

There is a story today about someone who placed a line of old toilet commodes, brushes, etc. where a proposed fence would have been, to protest the township's decision not to allow him a variance to build a privacy fence. There were no zoning rules about toilets.

It occured to me that being a fence contractor is one of the likeliest professions to be put in the middle of some nasty disputes... with the neighbors, with the town boards...

A spite fence, for example, is a fence built just to spite someone.

The question(s) is: Have you ever been asked to build a "spite fence"? How do you keep yourself from being drawn into a neighbor battle? Do you have any stories on this subject?

Just click on the little pencil below to add you comments.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Gas Prices

Gas Prices are expected to keep rising. Are you changing anything in the way you do business? Are you adjusting your bids?

Just hit the comment section below. Let us know what your doing.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What's in your Truck?

What is the one tool you can't do with out? An auger? pliers? cell phone? shovel?

just hit the comment section below.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Customers Helping

I remember being in an auto repair garage once. On the wall they had a sign, stating their hourly rates. The sign had written on it:

  • $55/hour

  • $65/hour if you watch

  • $75/hour if you help

Installing fences on residential properties must be ripe for customer involvement. “How much if I dig the holes?” “What will it cost if I mix the concrete?” “What if I clear the brush?” etc.

There are endless opportunities for customers to either help, or get in the way.


The question is. Do you have a policy for customer participation? What is it? Do you have any stories of customers trying to help, good or bad?

Just click on the comment tag below, let us know.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Concrete Prices

There are various stories on how due to Katrina and the Chinese building boom are driving up the cost of building materials, particularly steel and concrete.

3 Questions:

  • How much are you paying for an 80 pound bag of concrete?

  • Where are you located?

  • Are you absorbing the increase costs or are you passing the costs on?

  • Post below in the comment section.

    - Thanks, Gene

    Saturday, March 04, 2006

    Customer Disputes

    Last week there was a story about a homeowner who told a contractor where the he wanted the fence. The only problem was that the fence was 20 feet off. The contractor and the customer agreed on a settlement before it got too nasty.

    It occurred to me, that this might be a good forum to discuss your opinion about the situation.

    So... the question of the week is: How do you handle disputes with customers? Do you have a policy in place? What are some examples of customers behaving badly?