Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Adapting to the Economy

There was an interesting article in today's FenceWeek about a landscape contractor embracing the do-it-yourself er. They will come out, dig the holes and set the posts - and then let the homeowner finish the Fence. It's an interesting idea. But it does lead to some questions:

Do you offer any guarantee that the post will keep straight? How do you price it? Do you sell them the materials too? If so, how do offer a guarantee on that?

I wrote a while back about letting homeowners help with the job.

The consensus was this was a bad idea to let the homeowner help. I admit this is different, there are many building contractors that will frame a house and then leave it to the home owner to do the finish work. This is more like that than having the owner help.

I'm just wondering if anyone is doing this post setting idea, or any other new ideas that you're trying in this economy? Let us know.

"Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature's inexorable imperative " HG Wells