There are a couple of stories today about governments getting involved… one on a push that would require all pools to have fences and other safety devices. Obviously this would be a big boon to fence contractors. Another story is about a fence contractor in Massachusetts whose customers are compiling a series of complaints against him. Apparently fencing contractors in Massachusetts do not have to be licensed. The story reads:
isn't the only problem here. Our investigation has found that fence contractors do not have to be licensed in Massachusetts. "It's a grey area, I would say," said Rob Anderson, of the Massachusetts Board of Building Regulations and Standards.….”
Stories like this hurt all contractors; it makes consumers cautious and look for reassurance. Obviously, getting licenced is a pain, but there are benefits in the eye of the consumer. So here is the question of the week.
Does your state require fencing contractors to get licenced? Would you rather there was no requirement for a license? Don’t forget to say which state your in.
Just click on the comments section below and let us know what your thinking.