Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What's Hot!

" (Vinyl) ...It's nine out of 10 fences that we install. It's red hot..."

Vinyl is a hot seller in Montana, how about where you are? What else is hot?

Click on the comment icon below and let us know what's hot where you are. (Let us know where you are)


Anonymous said...

Vinyl has been on a continued exponential growth curve, we are swamped and expanding our capacity, this time by about 100% this year again!

jaytee said...

If you are not selling vinyl, you can't sell, as wood and metal are cheaper and you can be an order taker. Vinyl requires salesmanship and education of dealers and of customers. Raise the bar!

Anonymous said...

the real story here is: use a more durable fence product such as PremierCrete's architectual solid concrete fence that withstand the Rita or Katrina type of force - see the website www.premiercrete.com

Anonymous said...

You get more bang for the buck with a chain link fence than any other fence on the market. PVC doesn't have much of a track record. A strong wind can have fun with a solid tongue and groove and
gates can crack and break. It seems to me that right now PVC fencing is more of a rat race than chain link-even my mother-in-law is selling it! The most important thing is sell a fence. Keep fencing alive. Keep crews busy.

FenceOrlando.com said...

Our Orlando fence company gets dozens of calls daily from customers seeking vinyl fence. Chain Link is a close second. We try to stay from wood fence altogether. Most of our commercial customers are requesting ornamental aluminum.